A log of my posts across the forums.

Hey everyone!

We are now ready to have everyone use the new Stardock Central! Please note that this software is currently in Beta and may contain bugs or performance issues.

What does the new Stardock Central do? It lets you download and install any Stardock software you've purchased. It notifies you of updates to the software you have it installed. It also downloads the installers to your computer so that you will always have a backup of our software in the future.

You can download it by going to this page and clicking on Download: https://www.stardock.com/stardockcentral/

Note that the new Stardock Central can update itself. This means that when I push a new version of Stardock Central live, it will automatically update itself the next time it runs. There's no need to come back here to re-download future updates!

Please post any issues you have in the Stardock Central Support forum. I'll be checking it daily for any issues.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 12, 2012

Since I used Impulse to update my software is there a need to uninstall with Impulse and reinstall using Stardock Central?

on Mar 12, 2012

Since I used Impulse to update my software is there a need to uninstall with Impulse and reinstall using Stardock Central?
SDC will not know about any of your Impulse installs.

If you want it to work as designed, you should uninstall everything you installed via Impulse and install from SDC or the web.

on Mar 12, 2012

Quoting Philly0381, reply 1Since I used Impulse to update my software is there a need to uninstall with Impulse and reinstall using Stardock Central?SDC will not know about any of your Impulse installs.

If you want it to work as designed, you should uninstall everything you installed via Impulse "WITH IMPULSE" and install from SDC or the web.

on Mar 12, 2012

Okay, will do that.  Thanks for clarifying that ZubaZ. 

on Mar 12, 2012

And uninstall WB first. If not, you uninstall SKS and TM and WB drops from the list. That was my experience anyway. RND's too.

on Mar 12, 2012

1. "Note that the new Stardock Central can update itself. This means that when I push a new version of Stardock Central live, it will automatically update itself the next time it runs"

Any updated versions will also be updated to the store, correct? Even though SC will autoamtically update it on my computer I still want to keep the latest updates on a beack-up drive.

2> Not trying to highjack the thread but the new font over the user name on this page is really easy to read. Works for me if it was on all the pages that way.

on Mar 12, 2012

Dave, some of your stuff won't be available in SDC at this time. Dunno why. You'll have to go to the SD store for some of it.

on Mar 12, 2012

1. "Note that the new Stardock Central can update itself. This means that when I push a new version of Stardock Central live, it will automatically update itself the next time it runs"

Any updated versions will also be updated to the store, correct? Even though SC will autoamtically update it on my computer I still want to keep the latest updates on a beack-up drive.
The way SDC works, the same executable you would download will be downloaded through SDC and installed.  It IS your archive mechanism.  The files are EXACTLY the same.

on Mar 12, 2012

Dave, some of your stuff won't be available in SDC at this time. Dunno why. You'll have to go to the SD store for some of it.
Like what?  SDC is for apps only.
Skins and themes and stuff are different beasts and must be retrieved from the web store.  

on Mar 12, 2012

Quoting PuterDudeJim, reply 7Dave, some of your stuff won't be available in SDC at this time. Dunno why. You'll have to go to the SD store for some of it.Like what?  SDC is for apps only.
Skins and themes and stuff are different beasts and must be retrieved from the web store.  

For starters, DX, a working copy, isn't available in SDC. DX 3.96/4.0 isn't showing in SDC.

Several of the betas aren't showing in SDC. Actually, only WinFX 5 beta shows.

Legacy apps don't show.


And somethings show needing installed that are already installed.

on Mar 12, 2012

Thanks Zu.

on Mar 12, 2012

Also, it seems with SDC, we can no longer have both versions of Object Dock installed.


SDC doesn't offer me 1.9.

on Mar 12, 2012

Betas are not supported for installing through SDC at all at this time.  Neither are legacy apps.


on Mar 12, 2012

A custom install option would've been NICE! What is it with everything having to be installed to the C drive? I'd prefer to have the option to install to my SSD or one of the platter drives.

on Mar 12, 2012

Betas are not supported for installing through SDC at all at this time. Neither are legacy apps.

Well that's not good since I use the 1.9 version of ObjectDock. And I think I have other apps like RightClick...IconX...to name a few...installed that are no longer offered...so those won't be in there as well? And I'm guessing all backups made through impulse will no longer be useful?

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