Hey everyone! I need your help in resolving some forum loading issues. Some people have complained that certain pages have failed to load, loaded only halfway, or loaded only specific sections and not others. Others are complaining that some pages take forever to load or are very slow in general. However, I have had troubles finding a common ground for what may be causing these issues, so I'm hoping you guys can help. For anyone that has problems loading the forums, notic...
Hello everyone! I just pushed an update to the forums with some heavy performance improvements done to the backend by our database engineer. A lot of things were changed, so I don't expect this update to be perfect. Please take a look around, and if you notice any problems or any areas that could use another performance boost, let me know here! There were also other, minor changes made to the design and back-end structure of the forums. Most of these are miniscule, so I w...
Hey everyone, We've had an issue for a while where you could not give karma in the Demigod forums. Turns out this was a CSS issue with z-positioning. It has been fixed. You should be able to give karma fine now. Incidentally, reporting posts should also work now too. Bara
The forums have been updated again today with a minor change. If a user edits his/her post, there will now be a "View Edits" button. Clicking this button will show a history of that reply/post, along with highlights (red = removed text, green = added text). If you do not see the button or clicking the button does nothing, please do a "hard refresh" by holding Ctrl and pressing F5. This will clear your cache and force a download of the new image and javascript file. Hopefu...
Hello everyone! An update has been pushed to the forums. There have only been 2 major updates to the forums: 1. You should now be able to update your avatar and personal image regardless of whether you are using Flash 9 or Flash 10. This should also work for any site that didn't work before for Flash 10, but that has not been fully tested yet. 2. Forum search is now working. We are using Google as our search engine for the time being, but that should provide far better results than ...