Hey guys! The past month or so I've been doing research on the best hardware to get to run Battlefield 3 on maximum. At this point, I think I'm pretty much an expert on this hardware
My goal for this hardware is to achieve at least 30 fps in Battlefield 3 on maximum settings on a 1920x1200 monitor.
If you go to this link, you'll find all of the research I've done for all of the primary parts needed: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1XnqHpALuQiyAK0BbvP93kZXIdaj35bEV06mVXMD_07w
A few notes:
- Future-proofing was important to me. With this setup (specifically the motherboard), you can update to Ivy Bridge Intel CPU's when they release at the end of the year/early next year, you can upgrade to an PCI Express 3.0 card (Ivy Bridge CPU required) when they release next year, you can install up to 3 video cards with tri-SLI/Crossfire and you can upgrade to 32GB of memory.
- This was written specifically with my setup in mind, so some wording may be odd (like the power supply bit near the top, I currently have a 620w and need to figure out how much the new setup will need before I decide on a new power supply).
- Since Battlefield 3 has not yet released (alpha notwithstanding, which is running unfinished code and NOT on maximum settings), it may turn out that the hardware I've selected might not be enough to run it on maximum.
- I've been trying to do the best price vs. performance ratio while attaining maximum graphical settings in the game. You COULD potentially spend a lot more and get better framerates.
I'm currently having trouble deciding on the video card and power supply. For video cards, the GTX 570 and GTX 560Ti are both much cheaper than the GTX 580, but I'm not sure how many fps would be lost. At the moment I'm leaning towards the 580, but even with that I'm undecided on whether or not I should go with a 1.5GB or 3.0GB VRAM card. For the power supply, I just don't know about them to know what's good and what isn't. Any help in that area would be greatly appreciated! I'm currently thinking about getting at least a 750w power supply.
If you have any suggestions you'd like to make, by all means share! I will update the document accordingly with any good suggestions. I will also periodically update it with the latest prices from newegg, Micro Center (if available, and at a good price) and Amazon (if available, and at a good price).