A log of my posts across the forums.
I want suggestions!
Published on March 5, 2009 By GunslingerBara In Demigod

Hello everyone,

As Stardock's web developer, I was tasked with creating a statistics website for Demigod using the ungodly amount of data we (will) have available to us.  That website is now located at http://pantheon.demigodthegame.com.  A bunch of you already saw the "beta" version a few weeks back.  While this site is still a beta, I am happy enough with it to remove the beta message that was at the top of the page in the previous version.

Today I pushed an update that added a bunch of new statistics, pages, and a slight redesign. Starting today I will be keeping a log of changes to the site in this post.  I will also be checking for any suggestions, ideas, or feedback you guys may have on the site, so feel free to reply with any ideas. 

Please keep in mind that the site is still a work in progress.  Some numbers are still off, the design will likely be changed some more, and we will be adding more statistics in the future.  It will likely be updated a few more times before Demigod's release.

Change Log:
- Fixed how player stats are saved to the database, so custom games now count for Ladder Rankings/Experience (not all custom games though, just ranked custom games).
- Added Notes tab to player pages. This will allow you to view and manage private notes for other players, which will eventually appear within Demigod itself. Only you can view notes you've written, and you cannot view other's notes or notes written about you.
- The player stats on the left side of the primary player page now includes a small description for each stat.
- Fixed minor bugs with graphs.
- Fixed other minor bugs.

- Added "Ladder" stats and rankings, which include Skirmish and Pantheon games.
- Updated "Overall" stats to include everything, Overall is not ranked.
- Added Tournament Stats to player stats page.
- Player's games listing now shows "NA" if a game is not counted.
- Updated search page to show more information and be more informative.
- Updated achievements page, it will be turned on when the stats are reset.
- Other minor bug fixes and design changes.

- Added graphs for each Pantheon tournament.
- Added graphs for maps.
- Added graphs for Demigods.
- Minor bug fixes.
- More changes to back-end for API.

- Player stat charts!  Go to any player's initial page and you'll see some cool new charts and a slightly different layout.
- New tournament lists page (click on View All Tournaments at the bottom of any Pantheon page).
- Added current team progress chart (by percentage) to the right of the Pantheon page.
- Minor performance and back-end tweaks.

- Lots of back-end changes to prepare for public API.
- Added sorting options to the Top Demigods and Maps pages.
- Updated all pages to make a more consistent error message system.
- Updated player search to avoid certain errors.

- Maps statistics!  You can now view overall statistics for each map, as well as how you did on each map.
- Fixed up some search issues.
- Added "Skirmish Statistics" to the player info page, on the bar to the right (click on Overall Statistics to see a dropdown).
- The games list now shows the game name.
- Tons of changes in the backend to make things faster and more accurate.

- Added Top Demigods section, showing which Demigods are being used the most, win the most, etc.
- Added Demigods tab to player info page, showing which Demigods each player has played their stats for that Demigod (note: stats are inaccurate for the time being).
- Added Skirmish Rankings tab to Top Players.
- Major changes to how we are collecting stats and data.
- Minor image and backend changes.

- Added sorting to games list, search sorting coming later.
- Added small arrow icons to headers to show you which column is currently sorted, and in which direction.
- Updated games listing to make it more readable, added a new page for each game for extended info (click on the date to see the page).
- Minor background changes.

- Sorting now works on rankings pages, has not yet been implemented into other pages.
- Search page columns slightly tweaked.
- Search bar now works properly in Chrome.
- Player info page now shows rank and favor points for overall and custom game stats.
- Other minor changes.

- New design!
- Added experience and overall rank to search page.  All search statistics should now be "overall" statistics, not custom game or tournament stats.
- All pages now have proper headers and titles, should make things easier to navigate and harder to get lost.
- Player info page now shows the player's avatar and lists tournaments the player has participated in by default.
- General player statistics are now relegated to the right side of the player info page.  Clicking on "Overall Stats" will dropdown a box that allows you to switch between overall and custom game stats.
- Search box now submits by pressing enter.
- Added message to bottom of ranking page saying "Note: Rankings are updated once daily at midnight EST."
- Small presentation changes for numbers and dates.

- Added new "Experience" rating on nearly any page that shows a player.
- You can now see what team a player is on for tournament rankings.
- Games list now shows the game type (Conquest, Flag Control, etc.).
- Added player count for each team on the tournament info page (note: this may not be accurate at the moment).
- Added "Top Clans" button that redirects to nowhere (for now).
- Renamed all instances of "Skirmish" to "Custom Games" (let me know if you find any I missed).
- Added tabs to top of rankings pages to switch between Overall rankings and Custom Game rankings.
- All instances of "Forces of Dark" renamed to "Forces of Darkness."
- Minor design, wording, and bug fixes.

- Redesigned the player page and added tabs for separating stats in a more user-friendly manner.
- Added a player search bar to all Pantheon pages (top right corner).
- Separated skirmish, overall, and tournament stats into individual pages.
- Added an achievements page, but data is inaccurate (see Known Bugs below).
- You can now view a list of games a player has played.
- Clicking on any rank number will take you to the rankings list with that player highlighted.
- Added 2 buttons at the top of the page: Pantheon Tournaments and Top Players.
- "Pantheon Tournaments" button will take you to the latest (active or inactive) Pantheon tournament.
- Top Players now shows overall top players, not skirmish top players.
- Tournament information page now shows each team, the top players for that team, and the team's information.

Once again, the Pantheon statistics website is located at http://pantheon.demigodthegame.com.  I look forward to your feedback!


Comments (Page 5)
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on Mar 18, 2009

What is experience? How do we gain it? Why is it currently used for ranking instead of favor? When are we going to have an ELO/ranking discussion with Brad and the rest of the team?

Experience is really weird right now. 

I look here - http://pantheon.demigodthegame.com/rankings/overall/page/6/

and see I am at rank 104, experience 1,072, and have 10 wins and 7 losses (of course, when I click on my name I see 23 wins and 4 losses?)

Then I look 3 ranks up to Excerion, rank 101, experience 1,077, who has 3 wins and 4 losses.  His average favor per game is the only thing under-the-hood that would give him a higher experience number.  If that is indeed the criteria then a new player who gets max favor in 10 games will be ranked higher than an experienced player with 100 wins but lower average favor?   


on Mar 18, 2009

I got the feeling that games against the AI didn't count towards experience in Pantheon.  This was because my first bunch of games all were against the AI only and my experience never changed (stayed at 1000).  Once I started playing players though my experience started changing.

This means that your wins/losses doesn't necessarily correlate to your experience since the majority of your games don't count towards experience.  I could be totally wrong on all this though, it was only derived through a few glimpses at my ranking.

on Mar 18, 2009

So I did three custom games of 5v1 and just let them run until I won.  Mostly I just did it for giggles.  Here is how my games list records them...

5 March 17, 2009 Custom Game
(Structured Defense)
0 Lost
6 March 17, 2009 Custom Game
(Structured Defense)
0 Lost
7 March 17, 2009 Custom Game
0 Lost

No players are listed, it says I earned 0 favor points and it says that I lost them.  It was all AI and me.  All I did was buy citadel upgrades occasionally while I stood in the base.  I did earn favor points after each one.

I, of course, don't care about not getting my stats for these games as I did nothing in them.  Just wanted to point out that they were recorded wrong.

on Mar 19, 2009

We will continue to look at why games are not being recorded properly, specifically whenever AI players are involved or when someone disconnects.  I have the data I need to show that a problem exists, now it's just a matter of tracing it and resolving it.

The current Pantheon site has a few issues due to some changes in the backend.  Please ignore any problems for now.  I am still working on the new design (whilst juggling a few other things) and that will resolve all of the major, design-related issues as well as make things a little easier to navigate.

What is experience?  How do we gain it?  Why is it currently used for ranking instead of favor?  When are we going to have an ELO/ranking discussion with brad and the rest of the team?

Experience is what we use to rank players.  You gain it by playing games against other players (and possibly AI, but we have yet to decide).  We use experience instead of favor points because we want experience to be based on player skill, not how many games you play.  As far as a discussion with Brad, that's on his terms.  Keep in mind the rating system is still very early and will change as we go along.

I would like to put my vote in for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glicko_rating_system instead of ELO.  ELO is great if you want to be able to do the calculations in your head but overall it's a simplistic system that has some notable downsides.

Glicko on the other hand tends to be more encouraging of players to keep playing games even when they have a high rank (unlike ELO which discourages it) and it also doesn't hurt well ranked players as much when they play against someone with an uncertain rating (ie: a new player or someone who has suddenly come into a lot of skill).

ELO was good, then Glicko and computers came out.

Thank you for the link.  I'll pass this along to T-Man, who is the one in charge of the rating system.


Experience is really weird right now. 

I look here - http://pantheon.demigodthegame.com/rankings/overall/page/6/

and see I am at rank 104, experience 1,072, and have 10 wins and 7 losses (of course, when I click on my name I see 23 wins and 4 losses?)

Then I look 3 ranks up to Excerion, rank 101, experience 1,077, who has 3 wins and 4 losses.  His average favor per game is the only thing under-the-hood that would give him a higher experience number.  If that is indeed the criteria then a new player who gets max favor in 10 games will be ranked higher than an experienced player with 100 wins but lower average favor?   


The rating system is not based around favor points as far as I know.  It is based more on how well you do overall in each individual game.  If you have any suggestions or problems in the way the system has ranked you, feel free to bring them up.  At the moment the system is somewhat simple, but we are planning on making it more complex and thorough.


on Mar 19, 2009

The rating system is not based around favor points as far as I know. It is based more on how well you do overall in each individual game. If you have any suggestions or problems in the way the system has ranked you, feel free to bring them up. At the moment the system is somewhat simple, but we are planning on making it more complex and thorough.

Interesting.  My understanding of how players are ranked in individual games is via a series of achievements like: most kills, least deaths, most gold spent on citadel, etc. for which they are awarded favor points.  If there are other criteria please let me know.

If you do just use "most" to rank the players then in team games you run into the following problem - the ingame achievements are awarded across teams.  So an amazing player on a losing team is almost never going to be ranked highly compared to average players on a winning team, and as long as we are playing pub games amazing players can lose ^^

For example - Ultimeh is probably one of the top 20 players right now, but in a game he played against me on March 15th he earned only the minimum favor points possible as a participant.  My team was very strong, so we monopolized the achievements.  You see this across the top players - most of the time they are on a weaker team they gain minimum favor, Even when they play well they can't get as many kills or destroy as many buildings as someone who is playing ok but has the advantage of momentum.  

So maybe do some under-the-hood or overt ranking within teams to supplement overall performance across teams?  I dunno...

Experience is what we use to rank players. You gain it by playing games against other players (and possibly AI, but we have yet to decide).
  If you are going to let players get xp for playing against AI make it a fraction of what they would get against real players, maybe..


on Mar 19, 2009


Experience is what we use to rank players. You gain it by playing games against other players (and possibly AI, but we have yet to decide).  If you are going to let players get xp for playing against AI make it a fraction of what they would get against real players, maybe..

That better be some bad ass AI then cause what we got now is easy to beat


on Mar 20, 2009

Heh, don't worry.  The AI will have an experience rating just like everyone else.  So an AI that plays better will have a higher experience rating versus one that plays horrible.  Most AI may end up having less experience than most players, but then we'll have a reason to add "ultra hard AI" sometime down the line (this is all my speculation, and not something we or GPG will actually do).  Regardless, because AI will have an experience rating, you will gain experience proportionate to their experience, so if an AI is easy to beat, you won't get a lot of points.


on Mar 20, 2009

I am finding that the stats are coming up wrong, currently I have a 18 game losing streak, though since this last beta my teams haven't lost a game yet.  When I win the losing streak continues though the win streak stays at 3.  It also is now showing a loss in a custom game last night and considering I was the one hosting the game and the one who destroyed their base, it shouldn't have been a loss, but a win.  The other 3 people who were on my team received a win, but I received the loss, which makes it even stranger.


I'm sure it will be fixed by release, just wanted to make you aware in case it was something not mentioned.

on Mar 20, 2009


When I am looking at my player profile, and I click on the tab for custom games, I get an error. 

This is a link to the page that has the link:  http://pantheon.demigodthegame.com/player/12220/overallstats

This is the broken link:  http://pantheon.demigodthegame.com/player/12220/customgamestats/

on Mar 21, 2009

I am finding that the stats are coming up wrong, currently I have a 18 game losing streak, though since this last beta my teams haven't lost a game yet.  When I win the losing streak continues though the win streak stays at 3.  It also is now showing a loss in a custom game last night and considering I was the one hosting the game and the one who destroyed their base, it shouldn't have been a loss, but a win.  The other 3 people who were on my team received a win, but I received the loss, which makes it even stranger.

I'm sure it will be fixed by release, just wanted to make you aware in case it was something not mentioned.

I'm not sure what's causing the streak problem, but it might be related to the "everyone is on forces of light" problem we are currently having.  I'll take a further look at the numbers and see if I can point out anything to the devs.


When I am looking at my player profile, and I click on the tab for custom games, I get an error. 

This is a link to the page that has the link:  http://pantheon.demigodthegame.com/player/12220/overallstats

This is the broken link:  http://pantheon.demigodthegame.com/player/12220/customgamestats/

Yes, I know that the page is currently broken.  Monday morning I will be pushing an update to the Pantheon site with an entirely new design.  Assuming no problems occur with the new update, that specific error should be fixed.


on Mar 22, 2009

The rating system is not based around favor points as far as I know. It is based more on how well you do overall in each individual game. If you have any suggestions or problems in the way the system has ranked you, feel free to bring them up. At the moment the system is somewhat simple, but we are planning on making it more complex and thorough.

I know you are probably aware of it but if you take any other indicators than "winning" to compute the experience you risk that people will exploit the system and will not play to win but to gain most experience. Even if "winning" is the major component it can lead to such unpleasent things like "kill stealing" (like a snipe on a doomed foe who would have died anyways), cowardly play (lets say you are already in a huge advantage but getting not killed even once gives a experience bonus you play totally passive so the game takes another 15 minutes instead of the 5 minutes it would have taken if you played just "to win" - no fun for the losing team) or intentional playing around with your enemy with no intention to win fast but to kill them often as long kill streaks give bonus points etc. which is no fun to the losing team either.

on Mar 22, 2009

Just came here to ask in full release will rankings be decided by who has the most experience? This is, imo, a really innacurate way of deciding the rankings as support characters etc. may not get as much experience. Win/Loss ratio or favour points is still a better way than experience imo.

And just read TBO's post, agreed.

on Mar 22, 2009

Just came here to ask in full release will rankings be decided by who has the most experience? This is, imo, a really innacurate way of deciding the rankings as support characters etc. may not get as much experience. Win/Loss ratio or favour points is still a better way than experience imo.

And just read TBO's post, agreed.


From what it sounds like experience will be given for wins.  So the support character on a winning team will get roughly the same as other characters.  This is their version of ELO, correct me if I am wrong.

on Mar 22, 2009

another game I wasn't in at all that I'm seeing on my stats and in my games list:


8 March 21, 2009 Custom Game
Dirk Coenen (Unclean Beast)
Woodp01 (Torch Bearer)
Rumburaks (Oak)


on Mar 23, 2009

Looks like the new site is up, though games still aren't showing up properly (I have a game listing that I'm not in and several games listed where the players aren't showing up on the correct teams, etc.)

Should we start reporting bugs for the new site as if they are new bugs or is what launched this morning just a UI upgrade (no backend code changed)?

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